Living World Biggest Dog, Hercules Pictures

World largest or biggest dog is Hercules. Currently Hercules holds the Guinness record of world biggest living dog. Hercules is an English Mastiff dog and has 38 inch neck and weight 282 pounds. Hercules owner is Mr. Flynn and he said that the Hercules weight is natural. From his words “” I fed him normal food and he just grew”.

If you have a dog with 283 pound just call up to break the Guinness world record. English Mastiff is a large dog and it gives very excellent reputation from who know them.

However the world biggest dog is Zobra. Still Zobra hold the record that world biggest and largest dog Guinness record. Zobra weight 343 pounds and measured 8 feet and 3 inches long to his nose to tail. 

Living World Biggest Dog, Hercules Pictures Living World Biggest Dog, Hercules Pictures Reviewed by Ruby Kaur on November 30, 2014 Rating: 5

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