New Beautiful Amazing Facebook Chat Smileys

Use Text Symbols to Convey the Right Emotion

Symbols or emotions are now days used on various sites to convey emotions in chats. Be it in G talk or Facebook, these text symbols are used to portray the mood of the message. The use of these symbols or a smiley has taken prominence with the increase in use of internet and wireless digital telecommunications.

The early use of text symbols has seen only emotions of happiness and sadness but with the kind of symbols available today one can express feelings of anger, surprise, disbelief and many more.

  :)   :(   :P   =D   :o   ;)   >:(   :'(  ^_^  8)  3:)  O:)  -_-  (y)  <(")  :poop:  :v  :putnam:  :3  :/
To create smiley faces, colons or semi colons are mostly used for the eyes and various alphabets are used as the mouth to display the emotion in the message. For example, to create a text symbol like a wink, one can type a semi colon with a closed parenthesis. To create a frown, type a colon with a left hand parenthesis. 

Smileys are purely made of text symbols and these are different from the yellow colored emotions which are used. The emotion in the message can be enhanced with the use of such text symbols. It is also said that females tend to use the text symbols more than their male counterpart. 

These symbols can also be used to pacify someone over a chat conversation. If you want to make your friend smile , then use a text symbol which shows a emotion of smile. Users can also use text symbols to show feelings like sorry and love. 
The future of the text symbols has indeed been affected with other kinds of smiley texts to express emotions being discovered. With people opting for various other alternatives to text symbols for use on the social networking sites and smart phones, it is the time to discover more combinations with the text symbols which can also be used with longer messages.
New Beautiful Amazing Facebook Chat Smileys New Beautiful Amazing Facebook Chat Smileys Reviewed by Ruby Kaur on November 30, 2014 Rating: 5

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