Best 10 Physical Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U.S

Top 10 Physical Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U.S

Physical therapy schools and colleges are found throughout the country, but not all of these institutions are certified and accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association – despite the fact that this is not a requirement for most employers. Most of these schools and colleges offer education and training programs on their undergraduate level, but most physical therapists hold a master’s degree.

The best physical therapy schools and colleges in the US will teach prospective students great interpersonal skills to correctly communicate with customers and inform and relay to them the conditions and treatments regarding their physical therapy. Physical therapy practice is regulated in all US states and the majority of graduates get their license soon after graduation. This licensure test varies from one state to the other.Since there is no common set of core courses stipulated by physical therapy programs, you need to contact a few schools for their specific requirements. Choose courses that will strictly meet the prerequisites for your physical therapy program.

If you are into physical therapy, then consider our list of the top 10 physical therapy schools and colleges in the U.S. This guide should help you choose the best physical therapy school for you.


Commonly referred to as BU, it has four schools all focusing on physical therapy programs. BU is convenient located a few miles from downtown. For doctoral programs in physical therapy, a student can get dual or single degree options depending on their personal preferences. The program is offered on a full-time basis. They combine the coursework with clinical training , which is necessary for anyone undertaking physical therapy studies. A 6-year internship opportunity is offered to all students while clinical seminars are undertaken during the second and third year of schooling.


A strong reputation that goes nationwide is part of the characteristic of the University Of Utah. In Physical therapy, the students go through more intensive programs which consist of extra course work and clinical experience including an extra 7 weeks in clinical experience. This is more than is required in all the other physical therapy schools which require an average of 29 weeks. They have a high percentage of the total percentage of students who enroll for the programs. Their students get jobs within the first six months of getting out of school.


The graduates of Arcadia University are considered leaders, researchers and skilled clinicians based on the physical therapy program that is undertaken in the university. A crucial focus of the programs is improving the lives of others through rehabilitation and the wellbeing of others. They are widely known to be the first university in America to offer transitional Doctor of physical therapy programs in addition to the entry-level programs. Their faculties are known internationally with a varied student population. State-of-the-art facilities ensure that the students have everything they need to succeed in their studies.


The students in University of Florida department of physical therapy are prepared to be independent practitioners who can offer exceptional clinical services wherever they are placed. They have a number of former students who have gone on to pioneer effective research and physical therapy techniques, which have proven to be of great help in the healthcare industry. They are credited with advances in skeletal muscle biology where they have been the co-host of international conferences on this particular area of biology.


With a brilliant faculty focus, the Marquette University offers training to students who want to be experts in the field of physical therapy. They provide for special areas of interest in the programs for students who want to specialize. Clinical classes are combined with various assignments to enhance their knowledge and curiosity. The students in the university get successful career placements upon graduation.


Steadfast and outstanding patient care is the main focus of the physical therapy program offered by the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. This is achieved through effective clinical education and research. There is continuing education which has courses on the musculoskeletal tissues and their biomechanical properties. Clinical practice is also offered to ensure the students have the exposure they need for successful studies. Before getting admitted to the program, prospective students have to undergo a short interview session.


If you are keen on a physical therapy career, then you may want to join University of Miami’s Physical Therapy School. Here, you are given a chance to take course that will enable you to meet the conditions for graduate degree programs in this field. The physical and therapy program offered at Miami is intended to provide prospective students with the necessary courses for admission into advanced physical therapy programs.


The Northwestern University offers a combination of both physical therapy and science courses on human movement. Pre-professional experiences are guaranteed for the students who join this program, including activities like alumni working together with the current students. Research opportunities are many and diverse.


MGH Institute of Health Professions provides the training for persons who want to undertake the physical therapy program. With their programs designed to produce high numbers of graduates each year, they have a 5% higher number of graduates than any other American school that offers physical therapy. For the physical therapy license exam, which determines whether a person will be allowed to practice physical therapy, 97 % of all their students qualify within the first try. This number is higher than that encountered in all the other universities and colleges.


University of Southern California is on top of the list of the best universities offering physical therapy in the United States. They offer multiple programs for training those who want to venture in the physical therapy profession. This is achieved through weeks of experience gained from working in clinics and other facilities. This allows the students to become qualified physical therapists, as they will be able to utilize that experience later on as fully certified physical therapists. Here, it takes an extra five months to complete the program than is the case in other universities and colleges.

Best 10 Physical Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U.S Best 10 Physical Therapy Schools and Colleges in the U.S Reviewed by Ruby Kaur on December 01, 2014 Rating: 5

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